Sunday, September 7, 2008


This last weekend we got out a little bit and did some exploring. There are a lot of little water oasises out in the middle of nowhere. We were driving along and saw a sign for Arrowhead park and went to check it out. The pond is in the middle of a huge piece of flat farmland without any clues that it would be there. We also tried to find the dog park for Lucky to run around, but had no luck. We did find the bike trail that circles the entire city. Our exploring was cut short by the unbearable weather (90 degrees with 85% humitity). The weather has cooled down dramatically since then. No big thunder storms to take pictures of (darn). Other then our exploring, it was a pretty boring week. Jackie has settled in nicely to her job. She is learning new things about the insurance business every day. I had two tests last week and got 100% on both. Easy tests though. This week I have three tests and my stress levels is steadily increasing. Our health is good and we are just grinding out the weeks until we can get back to our family and friends. Hope you enjoy our recent pictures.

Arrowhead park

Waterfowl are happy for this odd oasis

Jackie and lucky dog on a bike trail bridge.

Big Sioux River (nobody swims in it for obvious reasons)

1 comment:

Abby said...

Looks like you guys are having alot of fun in your new area. Congrats to you both on the exams and new job. We hope all keep going well for you guys.